Order jumps to head of line even though I don’t offer expedited
I’ve been selling on Amazon for over a decade, and I just experienced something new and very strange. I have 5 day handling built in to all of my listings since they’re custom manufactured by me. It’s always been that way and I’ve never changed any of those shipment settings since I started my business on Amazon. Those settings are always reflected in the “ship by” date in my orders. Or they always have been until today.
This morning I have 10 orders pending, and the first 9 show descending “ship by” dates appropriately. The last one, received just yesterday, shows a “ship by” date of tomorrow, July 11. Completely disregarding my 5 day handling period that I confirmed is still present in the listing. I don’t and have never offered expedited shipping. I can’t see anything in the order details that would indicate why this has happened. Any ideas from other sellers?
submitted by /u/PNW_Jackson
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