How to make logging in easier?
Hi everyone,
I am managing one of my family member’s seller account while he’s on vacation and he has no access to his phone number internationally. Every time I log into the seller account, it requires a two factor authentication code which is linked to both his number and one of our relative’s number. I hate calling my relative to ask for the code because it is annoying and I don’t have a strong relationship with them.
I tried disabling the two factor thing but it didn’t work and still required it to be on so I can view any new orders. After I log in, despite having “Keep me logged in” on, I have to get a code again. It is so frustrating and a waste of time because not everyone is available 24/7. There’s not even an option to get the code via email like how some websites do.
Is there anyway I can make it easier for me to log in? I read a few amazon seller forums and everyone had similar issues with no clear answer
submitted by /u/computer_nerdd
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