Amazon cancelled our last disbursement with no notification. We just discovered we hadn’t been paid, checked on it, and it was cancelled. Deeper down in another screen we found a tiny little note that says “your account is under r****w”. (that’s what they call it, forum doesn’t allow the “r” word, I hope this makes sense. synonyms: analysis, scrutiny, assessment) They never emailed us or sent any other notice of a r****w. Account health is at 1000. We have called over and over, we get different answers every time, told to ask at email addresses that bounce back. It *looks* like a velocity r****w, but I’ve never heard of them giving no notification of this, and our sales haven’t changed dramatically. We have a few “inauthentic” complaints from June, but they were from a brand that locked down their product with the “transparency” program, and the units we sent in were all from before that program was even started. We supplied invoices proving their authenticity but Amazon rejected them with again no reason given. Again, account health is as high as it can be despite these.
This puts us in a horrible position. This is worse in some ways than being banned because we can still make sales, send in inventory and such, and we have to assume that the r****w will end at some point and they will pay us, but they are not communicating at all so how do we know? For all we know they will never pay us and if we keep doing business as usual while we wait for them we could bankrupt ourselves very quickly. As it is, without income we will have to lay off contractors and not buy any more inventory, which if we do get back to normal will cripple our sales, ipi, etc.
What do I do and why are they doing this to us?
submitted by /u/DredPirateAngE
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